
Saturday, March 26, 2011

The adventures of The Great Julio

As we wander the deathly forest of the evil strong-hold known as the Walmart, I sensed a great danger approaching.

It was the evil Justin of Davis,

As my mother looked upon the horrid creature in fear she let loose an ear Piercing screech.


I ran around the corner and witnessed him torturing my sweet mother with the dreaded dark magick card of Pokemon


Speaking the dark spell over and over " Mom will you buy this for me, mom will you buy this for me?" this brought my poor mother to her knees, this was more than I could stand!! Taking the magical sword in hand I speak the ancient spell of transformation to become the great Julio protector of the weak, downtrodden, and helpless put upon mothers all over the world.


With my trusty sword in my hand I smote the evil Justin of Davis down to the ground with one fell swoop. I turn my back on the wretch to help my poor defenseless mother up off of the dirty Wallmart forest floor, this is when the dirty cur struck a fatal blow. Throwing the evil magical Pokeball at the hand of the Great Julio I lost my sword.


Not to fear. What the great worm didn't know was I never leave my stronghold without my trusty mallet.


Taking the Mallet of Justice in hand I once again Smote the evil Justin of Davis but this time for good. he feel in a mighty thud to the ground, the evil pokecard of malice crumbling in his hand. He never moved again.


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