
Thursday, April 19, 2012


K so I've been really busy trying to put together my cosplay costume (Cosplay: Reaver Fable III)it's taken up a lot of time and I'm still only buying things! Grrr I can't sew but I need to be able to! Curses! I'm really tempted to just cosplay Hero that would be oh so much easier especially cuz I can choose the outfit I want (Fem mercenary) I'm really starting to dislike this but it is something I absolutely love to do I just wish they would make and sell the actual cosplay costume, but they don't and that sucks. *sigh* and with that fare thee well.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The adventures of The Great Julio

As we wander the deathly forest of the evil strong-hold known as the Walmart, I sensed a great danger approaching.

It was the evil Justin of Davis,

As my mother looked upon the horrid creature in fear she let loose an ear Piercing screech.


I ran around the corner and witnessed him torturing my sweet mother with the dreaded dark magick card of Pokemon


Speaking the dark spell over and over " Mom will you buy this for me, mom will you buy this for me?" this brought my poor mother to her knees, this was more than I could stand!! Taking the magical sword in hand I speak the ancient spell of transformation to become the great Julio protector of the weak, downtrodden, and helpless put upon mothers all over the world.


With my trusty sword in my hand I smote the evil Justin of Davis down to the ground with one fell swoop. I turn my back on the wretch to help my poor defenseless mother up off of the dirty Wallmart forest floor, this is when the dirty cur struck a fatal blow. Throwing the evil magical Pokeball at the hand of the Great Julio I lost my sword.


Not to fear. What the great worm didn't know was I never leave my stronghold without my trusty mallet.


Taking the Mallet of Justice in hand I once again Smote the evil Justin of Davis but this time for good. he feel in a mighty thud to the ground, the evil pokecard of malice crumbling in his hand. He never moved again.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

School day's, School day's wonderful I hate people day's :)

So today in school I was sitting in my science class, reading my favorite book Angela's Ashes, just started reading it, its really depressing I just got to the part where Frankie's little sister dies, any way so I was reading and my teacher calls on me to answer a question and I was not paying attention you can imagine my embarrassment when  I said " Plate tectonics" even though we were talking about the hydrosphere and the real answer was Reservoir, well everyone in my class laughed at me and the guy I like looked at me like I was the voices were wrong again.. they keep telling me to say things and when I do their wrong :( man and my alter ego keeps lying to me, shes mean! I call her flow :)

 In conclusion my dear readers I am insane!  : D And yay for insanity.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hmm what to do what to do?

Well my friend...we'll caller her,  Her, I am so uncreative...well Her has a wee little crush on someone code name: Him, well him has very pretty eyes, and she really likes him If you love, you will tell Her, what to do should she tell him or what? Keep it to her self? Ask him out? ;) Tell me my bloggers!

In conclusion... HELP!!!

Chick fil-a

Well I'm sitting here with My bestest friend Hannah waiting for my brother to call us, so he can tell us he's taking us to Chick fil-a for free sandwiches! Chick fil-a is the best ever with every thing chicken!!! XD so I would like to thank everyone for reading my crazy blog about a chicken place for free sandwiches!!! Love you
all. :)

Pee in the cup please.

Well hello everyone, I'm Julie as you all know this is my first real post to this blog account ( the first one was a test) any way's, The other day at school ( you will all think this is insane) I volunteered to pee in a cup, yes in case you did not read correctly I volunteered to pee in a cup, so in science class my teacher was doing a filtration experiment, she had talked to me before class about it and I had agreed, When she had asked for volunteers I slowly raised my hand slightly embarrassed about it wondering what people would think, would they think I"m weird, or would they all laugh at me, so as I walk out of the class I heard muffled giggling coming form the class room.

I Then go do this and come back my teacher makes a little joke about how much it was, she started the filtration process as the small blue flame became hotter the water heated up and started to evaporate and clouds formed in the small tubes she had set up to travel to the ice and be cooled off then it started to "rain" filtrated pee, the pee water gathered in the cup, she then asked for volenteeres to, your not going to believe this, drink my pee!  Three people drank it Savanna, Trent and Hunter, sadly enough it was not real pee it was water I got in the office at school with a little yellow food coloring in it.

So in conclusion my dear readers, you may think that I am the strange one for volunteering to pee in a cup for my entire science class...but rap your head around this... what about the ones that volunteered to drink it? 

New blog testing

Just testing.